Non-Profit Classes

~ Classes ~

Badges / Non-Profits

We are registered as a preferred vendor with the Girl Scouts and an approved Scouts BSA merit badge counselor for pottery and sculpting!

Looking for a fun scout outing? Bring your next meeting to Clay Monet! We are offering non profit groups (Scouts, Guides, etc.) tax exempt special projects and pricing at 20%-40% off for groups of 8 or more participants.

All sessions include at least 90 minutes of fun unless designated otherwise (i.e., when working with clay). Return to paint the second session as a group. Outside food is welcome.  Credit card to hold reservation, $50 cancellation fee within 48 hours if NOT immediately rescheduled. Enroll online today!
NON-PROFIT events are schedule for WEEKDAY appointments only and must present Tax Exempt letter and PAY BY CASH OR CHECK to receive discount. (No credit cards due to discounts being provided.)

Non-Profit Pricing & Classes

Listed below are non-profit organization (e.g., scouts, guides) pricing and classes (minimum group size is 8). Nonprofit group activities may only be held weekdays and must PAY BY CHECK OR CASH in order to receive these discounted rates.  Call us for Non-Profit Specials or for more details on non-profit packages, including clay events. See our booking policy.

>> Wheel Throwing Class (bowls) – two sessions: one to two hours for wheel throwing depending on the size of your group, and then another one hour when you return to the studio for glazing/painting 2 to 3 weeks later – Includes one wheel throwing lesson ($40) plus one tile ($12) to paint during your first visit. Discounted rate of $25 per person.  Ages 12 & up.

>>Clay Sculpting Class (pinch pot/coil pot/small sculpture – two sessions: one hour for sculpting, another one hour 2-3 weeks later when you return to studio for glazing/painting). Includes one sculpture class ($25) plus one tile ($12) to paint during your first visit. Discounted rate of $25 per person.

>>Brownie Painting Badge  Everything you need to do is included to wrap up this badge. (Patch not included). Paint a mood, paint the world, paint without your hands, and paint a mural. $30 pp.  ($25 to go package online or $30 in person)

>>  Browning Potters Badge  Everything you need to do is included to wrap up this badge. (Patch not included).  Two sculpted items, history of clay, and then return as a group in 2-3 weeks to paint your creations. ($25 to go package online or $30 in person). 

>> Pottery Scouts BSA Merit Badge (pinch and coil pot plus wheel throwing 101 lesson to make a wheel thrown pot) – $60 pp

Includes 2 sessions for creating the clay pottery, and a the lesson on pottery tools, career education and history of pottery, tour of the studio, and finally returning to paint/glaze all 3 creations.)  Enroll online by scheduling your event.

>> Sculpting Scouts BSA Merit Badge (life size head sculpture and other merit badge fulfillment included) – $80 pp for scouts / $100 for non-scouts. Includes session in studio for a total of up to 3 hours plus additional studio time for painting/glazing). Includes a the lesson on pottery tools, career and education overview, tour of the studio, and finally returning to paint/glaze all 3 creations.)  Enroll online by scheduling your event.

>> Clay Ornament Making (4 ornaments pp – two one-hour sessions, one for sculpting and another to return to paint/glaze the creations) – $15

>> Clay Sculpting On Your Own (Includes use of tools, firing and glazing. Clay must dry up to 7 to 10 days before bisque firing and glazing) – $12 per 1 pound 

Enroll online to schedule your group event.

Credit card required to make reservation.  All classes are pending instructor availability and space.  Payment for non profit events are to be made in CASH or CHECK only.


Non Profits